With almost 15 years of experience in teaching group classes, The Kudos 2 Canines courses are designed to help you and your dog develop a stronger relationship, learn basics through advanced obedience, prepare you and your dog for real life situations, and help you and your dog understand each other better.
Courses are available to puppies 9 weeks and up, and to dogs of all breeds, ages, and temperaments. Each course has specific training goals and achievements you and your dog will achieve together before moving up to the next level course. Our courses are designed to address dogs development stages, behavioral challenges, and real life problems. Our trainers’ goals are to help you and your dog become the best team together, and that your dog becomes the best companion you can ask for, all while honoring the true nature of our dogs.
Our methods are positively balanced, meaning our foundation is built upon reinforcement of proper behavior, and shaping the dogs behaviors by finding what they are motivated by most (food, affection, play, or affirmation). We are thoroughly trained and have no objections to using training tools, and are happy to provide you with the knowledge to use those tools properly.

KUDOS SMART START PUPPY PACKAGE 8 Week Course $295 Only for dogs 5 months old and under.
Course includes: Kudos leash, Bag of treats, 1 Puppy school days (Must be used within 3 months of purchase)
This course is designed to help you and your new puppy get off on the right foot in terms of your bond and relationship! We focus on teaching you the necessary skills to raise a well mannered puppy that is properly socialized, unafraid, and attentive. Puppies are very malleable, and as such we want to help shape them in a way that will produce stable adult dogs that thrive and are wonderful family members.
Course topics: ⍟ Meeting new people ⍟ Object exposure ⍟ Conditioned relaxation/handling ⍟ Name game ⍟ Potty/crate training ⍟ Off leash socialization ⍟ Drop it ⍟ Boundaries/structure ⍟ Jumping ⍟ Importance of play ⍟ Intro to leash ⍟ Play biting/nipping ⍟ Nutrition/grooming ⍟ Sit
BRIGHT BEGINNINGS COURSE PACKAGE 6 Week Course $199 For dogs 6 months & older
Course includes: Kudos leash and Bag of treats
In Level 1 your dog will learn how to pay attention to you with the distractions of the other dogs and people going on. Our goal in Level 1 is for you to achieve a stronger bond with your dog, and to teach your dog to listen to you amidst low level distractions (other dogs and people). If you have not done any previous training with your dog, this is the level for you!
Course topics: ⍟ Responding to name ⍟ Watch me/ settle ⍟ Sit ⍟ Leash walking ⍟ Object exposure ⍟ Unwanted behaviors (jumping, digging, barking, etc) ⍟ Potty/crate training ⍟ Handling ⍟ Nutrition/grooming ⍟ Proper socialization ⍟ Down ⍟ Stay ⍟ Come ⍟ Leave It/ Drop It
This is designed to prepare your dog for behaving well in public, not just in your home, as well as continuing to perfect the skills learned in Level 1. This level increases the distractions for your dog, as well as introduces several new and important commands. Dogs will be advanced to the next level depending on progress with trainers approval. Class introduces the 3 Ds of training - Distance, Duration, and Distraction. We will continue to hone your dog’s skills that they learned in Level 1 and 2, and continue to strengthen your bond with your dog, as well as introduce several new commands.
Course topics: ⍟ Loose leash walking ⍟ Wait ⍟ Stay ⍟ Leave it/ drop it ⍟ Over, Under, Through ⍟ Settle ⍟ Come/ Recall ⍟ Committed come ⍟ Stand ⍟ Stay with the 3 Ds (Distance, Distraction, & Duration) ⍟ Wait with distraction ⍟ Place ⍟ Heel position/heel walk
Once you have graduated from your Kudos Smart Start Puppy or Bright Beginnings class, You can sign your pup up for our 1, 3, or 6 month auto renewal membership and you are welcome to continue to attend our Jr Achievers classes as long as you’d like with your pup once a week in any of the scheduled sessions. You will need to register your dogs for the class sessions you would like to join through your Paw Partner account.
You and your dog are also welcome to join us for the Kudos Out & About group pack walks scheduled once or twice a month.
As your dog is making progress in the Jr Achievers level we will discuss when to discontinue the monthly membership and move to the Pawfect Scholars class and buy the discounted punch pass.
Membership options available: 1 month ($120), 3 month ($350), and 6 month ($700)…(No Extensions)
Of course you can still pay per month for $125 (class pass expires 1 month from date of purchase)
PAWFECT SCHOLORS - LEVEL 4 Advanced value pass $100 (Meet 1-2 timers per month. Pups can also attend 1-2 Junior Achievers course per month)
10x visit pass
$20 off any School day package
This level practices the skills your dogs have developed. Since training is a lifelong process, this class is designed to push your dog’s skills and review things they may be struggling with. This is you and your dog’s jumping off point for therapy and service training. At this level, we will recap everything your dog has learned previously from the other levels as well as introduce the following:
Course topics: ⍟ Out of sight stay & Place ⍟ Off leash leave it & come ⍟ Heel walk with distractions ⍟ Commands from a distance ⍟ Preparation for CGC test and Therapy work